Porsche GT Club
Dear Porsche GT Club Members,
The Porsche GT Club, was founded in December 2014 in the UAE to cater to the particular needs and interests of Porsches GT owners in the region. Our general objectives are to provide the highest standards of courtesy and safety on the roads, to enjoy and share the good will and fellowship engendered by owning a Porsche GT, to maintain the highest standards of operation and performance of the marquee, dealers and other service sources.
The Porsche GT Club is a non-proft, volunteer based organization which strives to promote and preserves the automotive hobby, as well as builds and maintains the relationship between members through different means of communications and participations at Club events.
We aim to be the NO. 1 club within the region providing excellent relationship with members and foresee increased number of members that exceeds all competition.
We hope that being a member of the Porsche GT Club, will add to your enjoyment of owning one of the finest GT automobiles in the world. Check out our schedule of events. We encourage our Club Members to come out and participate in the activities we have planned every calendar year. What a great opportunity it would be to meet new Members, see old friends, and most of all to have lots of fun with our Porsche GT Cars!
Fahed Al-Marzouqi
Porsche GT Club.